Sunday, August 4, 2024

Swimming is a weird sport

"Swimming is a weird sport," said one of my son's first coaches nearly 20 years ago. "Nobody ever says, 'Hey, let's go play swim meet!'" which I've found to be true. Kids will play baseball, football, soccer, even tennis "just for fun," but in all my years of being a Swim Mom I don't think my kids ever raced recreationally. But it made this aged Swim Mom weirdly happy when, last night, my 27-yr old swammer called to tell me how much fun he had that day. He and one of his college buddies met at the gym, and this friend had brought a pile of old racing suits. They obtained (coerced?) permission from the gym management to uncover 2 racing blocks and then spent the afternoon racing. They even drew a bit of a crowd, with their college caps, professional tech suits, their swift and perfect form. And most assuredly their smack talk and competitiveness. My mama heart is happy to know that even a 27-yr old can catch "Olympic Fever" and go out and have fun doing something that he has a complicated relationship with. Wish I'd been there to see it because I've always loved watching my swimmers race.

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