Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Am I Becoming a Political Junkie?

I’ve always been a voter, and I do my research to stay informed. But recently, I’ve been paying more attention to politics than ever before. It’s not just because of the significant stakes involved, though that certainly plays a part. What keeps drawing me in to more and more research, and further down rabbit holes is how the Democratic Party is approaching this election. 

I’m no campaign strategy analyst, but with decades of experience in marketing and communications, I find myself fascinated by how this party is shaking things up. They’re making politics more engaging, more relatable. The candidates are smiling, laughing, and genuinely connecting with people, and their communications team is transforming these moments into pure marketing gold. 

The fact that the party—and Kamala Harris—pivoted so quickly from Biden, launched a new campaign almost instantly, unified their base, and defined their messaging and strategy so rapidly convinces me that these politicians can deliver in office, too.

I may not agree with all their policies, but I’m thoroughly enjoying the campaign. Whether it’s "road trip" Tim and Kamala stocking up on corn nuts and Doritos at a gas station—so relatable!—or the genuine affection between family members that stands in stark contrast to the other weirdos. Their "dance party" roll call at the convention was actually entertaining! And who wouldn’t love seeing Tim Walz’s kids doing bunny ears behind his head during a national TV interview? They’re having fun, and it shows. 

In a time when politics can often feel heavy and divisive, it's refreshing to see a campaign that not only addresses serious issues but also brings a sense of joy and authenticity. The Democratic Party's approach this election has not only captured my attention but also made me believe in the power of a well-executed strategy. Whether or not I agree with every policy, I can appreciate the effort to connect with voters on a human level, and it’s that connection that keeps me engaged.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Swimming is a weird sport

"Swimming is a weird sport," said one of my son's first coaches nearly 20 years ago. "Nobody ever says, 'Hey, let's go play swim meet!'" which I've found to be true. Kids will play baseball, football, soccer, even tennis "just for fun," but in all my years of being a Swim Mom I don't think my kids ever raced recreationally. But it made this aged Swim Mom weirdly happy when, last night, my 27-yr old swammer called to tell me how much fun he had that day. He and one of his college buddies met at the gym, and this friend had brought a pile of old racing suits. They obtained (coerced?) permission from the gym management to uncover 2 racing blocks and then spent the afternoon racing. They even drew a bit of a crowd, with their college caps, professional tech suits, their swift and perfect form. And most assuredly their smack talk and competitiveness. My mama heart is happy to know that even a 27-yr old can catch "Olympic Fever" and go out and have fun doing something that he has a complicated relationship with. Wish I'd been there to see it because I've always loved watching my swimmers race.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Time Marches On

 Wow.  It's been so long.  Man, is life different now!

I think I drifted away from blogging because my kids became more sensitive to what was posted online about them.  Also, around late 2015 life really changed and it wasn't all fun to blog about.  Mr. Right got horribly sick (he's good now!).  We downsized and I went back to work full time so way less time for blog-worthy activities.

But time marches on!  Both kiddos graduated high school, then college (during covid, noless).  Both have been finding their way in the professional world and both have found the love of their lives.  Bridget moved to NYC and loves it, she and Karan have a great apartment and an even greater cat.  Aidan gave Omaha a try, but ultimately he and Abby decided that the life they wanted was in the Dallas area, so got new jobs and bought a house about 30 min from us.  They adopted a dachshund, and we got her sister.

My biggest fan slipped his earthly bonds in January 2023 surrounded by kids and stepkids.  Grateful for the time that we had but always wishing for more.

Ray is easing his way towards retirement and I work full-time in digital marketing with dreams of a food blog/channel some day.  I think I'm going to try to use this space to sort out my POV, get some thoughts and recipes into place and just start trying to make sense of my idea.

Stay tuned!